Contact Us
Important Note: Filling below contact form does not confirm your reservation with Janani Integrative Wellness. You will NOT be invoiced for the therapies you choose here. This form only provides a platform for initial contact and consultation. One of our team members will connect with you soonest possible.
106 The Club Retail Mall,
Hazelwood, Pretoria, South Africa
+27 64 753 8540
Re-Balance | Re-Energise | Re-Store
Your Body Naturally
At Janani Integrative Wellness, our focus is aimed at providing the most advanced and effective, non invasive, drug free, natural alternatives to pain managements, injury and dis-ease. We strive to provide the highest quality wellness experience by combining conventional and complimentary therapies for healing, from around the world.
Our mission is to empower and support individuals by providing therapies and information that engage their own unique physical and mental healing capabilities, encouraging the body and mind to heal quicker, stronger and with greater resilience.
Our therapies are based on the principle that “the body has an innate ability to heal itself”.
Providing you a safe space to heal!
Our staff and wellness practitioners value the whole-person and live out a caring, compassionate and empowering lifestyle that elevates the human soul, mind and body.
Our mission is to empower individuals by providing therapies, resources and tools that cultivate resilience and engage each person’s unique healing abilities.