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What is Homeopathy?


Most of us have at some point in our lives come across Homeopathy in one form or another. Homeopathy is a complete, safe and effective complementary medical system. It uses natural substances that contain nanoparticles, which stimulate our body’s natural healing systems. Homeopathy is a holistic, gentle and natural therapeutic system that works with our body to relieve symptoms and restore balance.

This wonderful system of medicine was developed by German physician Dr Samuel Hahnemann in the late 1700s. He believed in addressing disease at its root cause, whether it was on a physical, mental or emotional plane. He developed Homeopathy to provide patients with treatments that were tailored and personalised to their individual needs.

Homeopathy has grown and developed over the years. But its core patient-centred principles and individualized approach remain the same. Homeopathy still provides millions of people all around the globe with tailored-made personalised medical care.

How does Homeopathy Work?

Homeopathy approaches disease in a unique way. Homeopathy is based on a principle that states, “a substance that is capable of causing disease, both physically and mentally in a healthy person, can be used in its diluted form, to treat a similar disease or disorder in someone who is sick”. This is known as the “Law of Similars” often expressed as “Let like be cured by Like”.

This may sound confusing at first, but let me explain this principle better by giving you a practical example:

When you cut onions, it causes your body to react, and you start tearing up and your eyes start to burn. Homeopaths use red onion, allium cepa, in its diluted and prepared form to treat conditions like allergies or eyestrain that produce a lot of tearing and burning of the eyes.

Another example is poison ivy, Rhus toxicodendron, which when coming into contact with, causes a bright red, blistering, itchy rash.

Homeopaths use Rhus toxicodendron in its diluted and prepared form to treat conditions like shingles or eczema with a bright red, blistering, itchy rash.

The secret to a successful homeopathic prescription is to identify the similarities between the effect that a substance has on a healthy person (e.g., Poison ivy rash) and the pattern of disease in a sick person (e.g., Shingles rash). Because of this, homeopathic case-taking often involves a detailed and descriptive analysis of a patient’s disease and its progression.

What is Homeopathic Medicine?

Homeopathic medicines are made from a variety of different natural sources that are derived from plants, minerals and animals. These Homeopathic medicines, called remedies, are dispensed to patients in varying dilutions depending on their individualised needs. These Homeopathic remedies contain nanoparticles that produce a physiological response, which results in the restoration of health.

Homeopathic remedies are environmentally friendly and cruelty-free. When used as prescribed, homeopathic remedies are safe for everyone to use.

Homeopathic remedies can be dispensed in all shapes and sizes from small, medicated pills to drops, ointments, creams, tablets or gels. All dependent on your specific complaint and needs.

Why use Homeopathy?

Its Safe

Homeopathy is a complete, safe, gentle and effective complementary medical system that can be used in almost any condition and in anybody who has the potential to be treated. It is safe to use in people of all ages and because of their dilution, they have no side effects or contra-indications. You should however always consult with your Homeopath or doctor before starting any homeopathic remedies.

Its Inclusive

We as registered South African Homeopathic practitioners are diagnostically trained doctors, that work closely together with existing medical services (e.g., blood tests, diagnostic imaging, specialist-referring) to best treat and diagnose our patients. We are capable of supporting any conventional medical approach whether in a diagnostic or treatment capacity through various complementary medical treatment options.

Its Personalised

The system of Homeopathy was designed to provide you with treatments that are tailored and personalised to your individual needs and recognises the importance of individualization of medical care.

Its Holistic

When deciding on a remedy, we as homeopaths take every aspect of your life into account. Homeopathy focuses on addressing disease at its root cause, whether on a physical, mental or emotional plane. Homeopathy aims to utilise your body’s own healing potential to bring restoration to your health.

Its Scientifically Researched and Proven

Homeopathy has withstood the test of time and has been clinically researched and proven. If you are interested in some of the research demonstrating the clinical efficacy of homeopathy, go and have a look at the Homeopathic Association of South Africa (HSA) website or the Homeopathic Research Institute (HRI) website.

What conditions can be treated with Homeopathy?

We can treat all forms of disease except for conditions that need surgical intervention. However, in cases where specialist or surgical intervention is needed, we can always refer you for more specialised treatments and testing.

Homeopaths are primary care physicians, who are clinically trained to perform a physical examination, request special investigations (e.g., blood tests, diagnostic imaging, specialist-referring), diagnose and treat diseases accordingly.

Homeopathy is used to treat a wide variety of acute and chronic diseases and other health issues, which include (but aren’t limited to):

  • Allergies

  • Migraines

  • Depression

  • Fatigue

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

  • Minor injuries

  • Headaches

  • Respiratory tract infection

  • Colds and Flu

  • Asthma

  • ADHD

  • Etc.

Other kinds of Medications Homeopaths use

Homeopathic remedies aim to utilise our body’s own healing potential to bring about restoration, to our health. But suppose our bodies are deficient in the nutrients needed in this restoration process. In that case, the remedy won’t be able to perform optimally. That is why homeopaths also typically use other natural medicines along with homeopathic remedies when treating patients with varying conditions. 

Homeopaths use a wide variety of natural medicine products to support the body.

Some of these include (but aren’t limited to):

  • Herbal tinctures (E.g., Echinacea, St Johns Wart, etc.)

  • Nutraceuticals (E.g., Quercetin, Antioxidants, etc.)

  • Vitamins (E.g., vitamin D, Vitamin C, etc.)

  • Minerals (E.g., Magnesium, Zinc, etc.)

  • Dietary fibre

  • Prebiotics and Probiotics

  • Fatty Acids (E.g., Omega 3, Omega 6, etc.)

Homeopathy in South Africa

South African Homeopaths are registered primary care physicians, who are clinically trained to perform a physical examination, request special investigations (e.g., blood tests, diagnostic imaging, specialist-referring), diagnose and treat diseases accordingly within their scope of practice. South African Homeopaths share the same rights, responsibilities and abilities to diagnose and treat patients as medical doctors do.

To practice legally as a Homeopath or Complementary Medicine practitioner in South Africa you need to be registered with the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa and have had to undergo 6 years of medical training and obtained a Master’s degree in Health Science Complementary Medicine from either the University of Johannesburg or Durban University of Technology.

Homeopathy is a complete, safe, gentle and effective complementary medical system that can be used in almost any condition and in anybody who has the potential to be treated. Homeopathy focuses on addressing disease at its root cause, whether it is on a physical, mental or emotional plane. Homeopathy aims to utilise your body’s own healing potential to bring restoration to your health. Homeopaths are medically trained health care professionals capable of diagnosing and treating medical conditions.

If you suffer from an acute or chronic health issue, and you are looking for a safe and effective treatment, consider homeopathy!

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